Who used FOL 47?

From linguistic evidence, we know that this Book of Hours was likely made for the use of a woman.  In the prayers "O intemerata" and  "Sancta Maria dei genetrix," there are several phrases in which the speaker refers to herself in the feminine. 

Interestingly, one of the missing miniatures from FOL 47 has been described as "Death in the act of striking down a young woman with his spear" (American Art Association 302). This raises the possibility that FOL 47 originally featured a portrait of its owner.  

The user's mother tongue appears to have been French (moyen français).  While the text of FOL 47 is primarily in Latin, the prayers to the saints in the Suffrages section feature French language rubrics. 

The liturgical details of the manuscript similarly suggest a French owner, specifically someone with ties to the diocese of Troyes.  

December 2015
Updated January 2016


Alexis Dhembe, Anne Ferrante, Adriene Galindo, Katherine Bonamo Philbin, Neida Rodriguez, Rebekah Scoggins, Shelby Wolfe